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Looking back on 2021, looking forward into 2022 and beyond...

Ralph and Dominique - Looking back on 2021, looking forward to 2022 and beyond

Dominique - Looking back on 2021...


Writing this feels like it has been the first moment this year that I have had the time to sit down, contemplate and look back at 2021. I can compare the last twelve months to being tumbled around inside a washing machine while, at the same time, trying to navigate a rollercoaster ride but coming out the other end looking pretty good in the mirror with a decent haircut!

Reflecting on this year’s roll call of games we have worked on, it makes me feel proud of what we have achieved and the partners who have put their trust in us:

What is even more remarkable is that this has been achieved without one studio visit, without impromptu pitches at the W Hotel at GDC and without back-to-back meeting agendas at the B2B Meeting Area at the Keulen Messe. A well-trodden and time-tested business development path that probably has been changed forever but I still find hard getting used to. I can only conclude that our success in this sometimes “faceless” new world that we are forced to do business in, comes down to the talented team that I love working with day in day out. They continue to surprise and over-deliver, adhering to our cherished core values and going “beyond boundaries” time and time again.

Without them, it would have impossible for us to have carried out the first part in the company’s ambitious plan to transform into a creative game studio capable of developing its own IP – games that, like some of its partners, entertain audiences in their millions.

Not only have we executed a plan to successfully increase the team in size from 50 to 82 but we have also managed to build a wonderfully flexible and multi-skilled team of programmers, artists, designers, QA and producers. Integrating all these newcomers has been a challenge especially without the typical warm welcome that would have greeted “newbies” at Abstraction HQ. But we have invested in a talented HR team, excellent mentorship, and a range of soft touches that has ensured a smooth on-boarding for them all.

Indeed, we find ourselves in December in a situation where our production slate for 2022 is basically full: all exciting projects, from full co-development through to multi-functional support to AAA publishers, it's going to be another “rollercoaster” year - more details will be revealed in the weeks to come! On the one hand, a wonderful position to be in financially where you are able to plan ahead and can invest sensibly in game and technology creation ; on the other hand, there will be more growth challenges to face as we scale up towards 120 people.

So as the year draws to a close, all that is left for me to say is that I wish you all a calm and restful Xmas holiday. 2022 will soon be here to see our rejuvenated curiosity & ambition to create great things together. Can’t wait already! Happy Christmas all!  

Ralph - Looking forward into 2022 and beyond...

It sometimes feels like Christmas has come early.

Cashflow looks great and has never looked better. We have projects lined up deep into 2022. We’ve been able to maintain and increase our prototyping and our R&D teams, something that I have been looking to solidify for a long time. It has taken some hard work and lateral thinking to get past the many hurdles and bumpy roads, and now it is paying off. I guess it’s a case of “all good things come to those who wait”!

In other words, the upcoming Christmas Holiday season for me is looking to become the most comfortable one ever in 14 years of Abstraction history. The funny thing about getting comfortable, at least for me, is that it generates more leeway for getting uncomfortable and solving hard problems. So here are some things that are getting me excited about the future from an Abstraction perspective as I spend more of my time in “(game) creation mode” 😊. Indeed, I see my thoughts below as conversation starters and I would love to continue discussing and debating them with any of you!


I want to change the way Puzzle Adventure games are being developed and to improve storytelling within them. We are working on our own IP where we are tackling the classical problems that come with the genre while also crafting a thought-provoking adventure. It’s a game in which players can puzzle their way through thrilling environments, to get to the core of a compelling mystery.

Blockchain Games…

Probably the most exciting but definitely the most discussed topic of 2021. Our partnership with Mythical Games means that we are fully invested in exploring what developing a blockchain game based on the Mythical Platform economy will bring. Whilst there are many pitfalls to navigate in blockchain gaming, as far as I'm concerned, Play to Earn only brings benefits: for consumers who want to create, cross-media providers who want to earn, and ultimately also for developers who can earn from their entire ecosystem everywhere. I am fascinated to see where the action strategy game we are developing with Mythical will take us in 2022.

Of course, I hope y’all have a comparable year-end vibe to the one I’m experiencing. Maybe you already have a really good sense of what 2022 is going to look like if you can have it your way. Then again, maybe not and you are going to need some well-deserved time off to contemplate. Either way, I’m going to use the coming few weeks to wind down, spend time with family and friends as much as possible and simply enjoy life. I wish you the same.

Happy Holidays and have a wonderful New Year in 2022!